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Notwithstanding its wealth of literature and other sources of information of all kinds on its subject, Freemasonry remains for many a mystery and they would like to know more about the purpose, philosophy and principles of this ancient Brotherhood of Free Masons and Accepted.
Operating throughout the free world, this universal institution is mainly recognized for its volunteer aims and good works. Freemasonry is no longer engaged in material construction, but it derives directly from a brotherhood of stonecutters and architects whose ramifications stretched throughout the Middle Ages throughout Western Europe.
“A beautiful system of morality taught under the veil of allegory by means of symbols“
In short, Freemasonry is a fraternity dedicated to the spiritual development of the initiate into a broader sense of the self, how they relate to the Divine and their contributory role in the world. It conveys this message through a series of progressive degrees initiating the candidate into a deeper level of understanding and membership. It is often described as “A beautiful system of morality taught under the veil of allegory by means of symbols“. This means, in effect, that the moral values implicit in integrity and probity are taught, in allegorical form, in the knowledge of abstract truth whose Masonic symbolism is the sensible translation. These ingenious symbols are represented by familiar tools borrowed from the builders of the Middle Ages and which were used to erect incomparable monuments that will always impose themselves to the admiration of posterity.
The largest and oldest secular fraternal order in the world, Freemasonry crosses all religious boundaries to bring together individuals of all countries, sects, and opinion in peace and harmony to work towards the betterment of all mankind. A universal brotherhood, Freemasonry is dedicated to serving the divine through service to family, country, and humankind.
Freemasonry is a philosophical organization emphasizing the study of moral symbols to build character in its participants. This education is, in part, the foundation of a more profound understanding of mankind and his existence in society. Living today in a “throwaway society”, Freemasonry teaches about the value of history, freedom, and charity (ultimate perfection of the human spirit) towards all mankind.
The real nature of Freemasonry is a spiritual force behind each member, improving themselves morally by associating with other like-minded individuals. Also, Freemasonry acts as a social organization, promoting the interaction between like-minded members within the lodge to build friendly bonds between them. By fostering this brotherhood, relationships are made such that even meeting outside of the comforts of the lodge the bonds remain and genuine affection prevails. Wherever travelling, masons meet and greet other masons as brothers because of these bonds.