Worshipful Master | V. W. Bro. Stephen Coull |
Immediate Past Master | W. Bro. Mathieu Robert |
Senior Warden | Bro. Alexandre Limoges |
Junior Warden | Bro. Jesus Pérez Valdés |
Treasurer | W. Bro. Ronald Baylis |
Secretary | W. Bro. John Dobby |
Chaplain | Bro. Matteo Natale |
Director of Ceremonies | Bro. Anthony Rizzi |
Senior Deacon | Bro. Martin Morris |
Junior Deacon | Bro. Mathieu Lamarche |
Inner Guard | Bro. Fernando Bedoya Menco |
Steward | Bro. Mirko Caballero Bastardo |
Steward | Bro. Alberto Pereira |
A message from the Worshipful Master
Welcome to the website of St Andrews Lodge #53!
Our Lodge has such wonderful history and has been conducted by many highly esteemed Past Masters who have set a high standard for us to follow and continue our craft for centuries to come.
I would like all of us to reflect on the reason why we meet as Masons. There is a purpose to our craft, it is to help us grow within and build our own upright edifice. Become a better man of good character with morals and values wither in our personal or professional lives by implicating the lessons we learn in lodge. Each of us is to learn from one and other as well as support each other when needed. Most importantly friendships are developed and we are all Brothers.
The craft is also a spiritual journey where all men of all colour with different religious beliefs can all reunite with an open mind at the same time and experience fraternal harmony and be all on the same level and acceptance.
Faith, Hope, and Charity is the foundation of Freemasonry. Charity does not only apply in a monetary sense, often just by offering your time is as valuable if not more appreciated. Our time on earth is precious and should be fulfilled with accomplishments and leave behind a legacy.
Very Worshipful Brother Stephen Coull
Visit to Golden Rule Lodge
Since 1857, Freemasons from Golden Rule Lodge #5 have gathered once a year on Owls Head mountain in the Eastern Townships to raise one of their number to the third degree of a Master Mason (the postcard on the left shows masons attending the ritual in around 1915). This happens in a natural amphitheatre, accessible on foot through a opening between two rocks, and is believed to be the only open-air lodge.
An open invitation is extended to members of all other Lodges, and for this year’s raising Master Masons from St Andrews #53 turned out in large numbers to enjoy the extraordinary views and special atmosphere of this special event.
Visitation between lodges is an important way for Masons to develop their understanding of the lessons taught in our rituals, and to meet other masons and expand our social network.
If you would like to know more about Freemasonry in Quebec or about our Lodge, or discuss whether joining might be right for you, we’d like to hear from you! A first step is to fill in this short form.