The early years

Thomas Allan
Daniel Rose
George Martin
John Muir
John Finnie, M.D.
John McLeod
James Bowie
W.S. Evand
John Anderson
John Bonnar
J.W. Hannah
W. Renshaw
Worshipful Master
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Senior Deacon
Junior Deacon
Inner Guard

Bros. E.H. Thurson, A. Doutrie, A. Gerard, W. Wesley, W. Canlish, H. Barrington, J. CmCormack, V. Lalonde, G.A. Neville, J. Meldrum, W. Wright, A. Murdock, R. Nelson.

All of the above from Elgin Lodge No. 384 S.R. except: Bro. J.E. Bowie of St. Johns No. 60 S.R., Inskeating Scotland – also the following from:

St. Georges Lodge No. 440 E.R., Montreal

Bro. G. Goldie
Bro. A. Bennett

Tasker Lodge No. 454 S.R.
Bro. John Love

St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 518 S.R.
Bro. A.W. Bernie

Keesville Lodge No. 149 N.Y.
Bro. C.W. Woodford

Kalhousie Lodge No. 571 E.R. Ottawa
Bro. A. Angers

St. Lawrence No. 640 E.R.
Bro. A. Watts

In accordance with the prayer of the foregoing Petition, a Dispensation dated December 27th, 1872 was granted by Most Worshipful Bro. John H. Graham, Grand Master and countersigned by R.W. Bro. J.H. Isaacson, Grand Secretary.

In the early years of the Lodge, it was quite interesting to note the interest displayed by the members’ wives in the welfare of the Lodge. Mrs. Thurson, on behalf of the Chartered Members’ Wives, presented the Lodge with two Bibles, Square & Compasses and Regalia. This presentation took place in the home of Wor. Bro. Thomas Allan, after which a very enjoyable social evening was spent.

On September 25th, 1873, Warrant No. 38 was granted to the Lodge and signed by J.H. Graham, Grand Master; Jos. Dunbar, District Deputy Grand Master and J.J. Isaacson, Grand Secretary.

At the close of Wor. Bro. Allan’s term of office, the brethren saw fit to present him with a congratulatory address, printed on satin and an oil painting of himself, which now hangs in the Masonic Memorial Temple in Montreal, Quebec.